Sunday, July 29, 2012

And Here We Are

I've tried blogging before. I think where I ran into the problem is that I was trying too hard to have an opinion about a specific thing. I tried a blog about sewing (which I actually really enjoyed), but that fell away because life happened and I haven't sewn in forever. I tried starting a blog about housework/organization but I fell off that wagon after only a few posts. The moral of this story is, I am trying again.

I was at my parents' house last night and I was telling them a story about my then 1 year old trying to eat jalapenos off my brother-in-law's sandwich. I thought it was a funny story, but nothing worth getting particularly excited about. After I finished the story, my dad came up to me and said:

"You should write some of these stories down. You have a way about telling stories and expressing yourself that is very engaging and entertaining."

So I thought "Eh, why not" and now I'm writing this. I am hoping this will work out better than previous attempts. I am not going to try to write about anything specific. I sew occasionally, read a lot, play video games, work 40 hours a week,wife, and mom. Plus about a million things more. I think I have a higher likelihood of follow through on this.

Let's see what happens.

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