Monday, January 7, 2013

Gamer Rage

I play video games. I have for years. I used to play a lot of RPG's. Mostly final fantasy. Then I played MMORPGs for years. After having kids, I could not put aside the time to play video games for hours on end without being interrupted. I have moved to playing first person shooters. My game of choice at the moment is Modern Warfare 3. One of my PS3 controllers is on the fritz. If you move it the wrong way, it will randomly open menus and click things. If I am in game, it will jump, change guns, or shoot without me wanting it to. This fantastic controller has caused me to Rage on more than one occasion.

I am not proud of it, but I swear and yell a lot when I play video games. Unfortunately for me... Bug has picked up on this habit of mine.

Last week I got home from work. I sat down and played Portal 2 for about 15 minutes. I then left the game on the menu screen and went to make dinner. Bug grabbed the controller and started pushing buttons. Somehow she managed to start a level. I heard her yelling from the front room. I looked into the front room and saw her:

Controller in her hands
Angry concentration look on her face.

Then I heard it... "Damn! Damn! Damn it! F*ck you!"

She put the controller down, balled up her fists, and yelled at the TV some more.

She saw that I was watching her. She looked at me with a big smile and said "I play video games like momma!"

It took everything I had not to burst into laughter and tears while watching her. She had the biggest look of accomplishment on her face for being just like mommy. I guess I know what needs to happen next. I need to adjust the way I react to my games. I don't need a little 2 year rage gamer. I am going to have enough trouble with her when she gets older.

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