Sunday, October 21, 2012

Multi-Purpose Cream

As a parent, certain things raise red flags. Crying and loud banging noises, shattering glass or pouring liquid. However, the biggest warning sign of all is silence.

Despite the saying, Silence is NOT golden.

Everyone in the house was doing their own thing. I was sewing. Bear was reading. Monkey was watching TV. Bug was.... uhm.... unaccounted for. She wasn't making any noise. She was not watching TV. Bear and I had the parental spidey sense at the same time. As I went walking down the hall to find our wonderful Bug, I heard Bear already talking to her. He beat me to it by about 10 seconds. But we found her.

She was washing her hands. And brushing her teeth. And brushing her hair. She wasn't using soap, toothpaste, or gel. She was using a tube of diaper rash cream. For all three things.

Her hands and the counter were covered in a moderate layer of the cream. We could not even see her skin. She had clumps and smears of cream on and around her mouth. And finally, she had her hair smeared straight up like Sonic the Hedgehog. I grabbed her up and swooped her away to the shower.

The shower was a pain all by its self. Diaper rash cream is water resistant. Lots of real soap. Lots of scrubbing with a hand towel, and still she came out of the shower a bit greasy.

I think I need to have my parent radar updated. It was a little slow on the pick up of the shenanigans of Bug.

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