Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What Do They Say

Last week the girls and I were driving home from daycare. We had stopped off at the store to pick up a few things. One of the thinkgs that we got was a lion costume for Bug. It is a yellow pair of furry pants with a tail, and a puffy hoodie jacket. The hoodie has a lions face on the hood, and white on the chest/stomach area. So when she puts the pants on and zips up the hoodie, she looks like a little lion.

After we left the store, Bug was sitting in the back seat making lion noises. "RAWR!" This led into a round of "What sound does _____ make?" We ran through the usual suspects: cats, cows, chickens, roosters, dogs, lions, birds, and even fish. Then it got fun.

Me: "Bug, what sound do you make?"

Bug: "RAWR!"

Me: "What sound does Monkey (my daughter not the animal) make?"

Monkey: "Eeh Eeh Aah Aah!" (or however you spell the noise a real monkey makes)

Me: "What sound does Poppa (Bear) make?"

Bug: "Dinner!"

Me: "Poppa makes dinner?"

Bug: "Yup! At house! I hungee!"

Me: "What sound do I make?"

Bug: "No, Momma. No noise."

Monkey: "Tweet tweet!" (I'm Bird)

Monkey: "I'm done playing this game now mom, whats for dinner?"

Our conversation then moved on to dinner, chores, and what happened at daycare. My two year old helped me learn something new. Poppa makes the noise "Dinner!"

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