Monkey has been in school now for about three months. She has to go to before and after care (like school day care before and after school hours) because of my work schedule and Bear's school schedule. There are kids in every grade from Kindergarten to at least 5th grade that are in before/after care. I like the idea of them all being in a social setting together because it is helping Monkey learn how to deal with kids a varying ages. She always comes home with stories about her friends and what they did before or after school.
This past Friday night, we went to her school for Fall Festival (also mentioned here). I dread social settings where I don't know anyone. I feel out of place and like I am forcing myself on someone if I do try to talk to them. This was important to Monkey though, so we went.
As we walked in the gate, Monkey was already yelling "HI!" to one of her friends. It seemed like every two minutes she was running off to be social with someone. The amusing thing was it wasn't just an "oh hey, ok bye" thing. She would walk up to them and say "Hi, *name*!" and give them the biggest smile and hug that should could come up with. She would tell them something she liked about them (ie: i really like your costume) or tell them how happy she was to see them. She would then introduce Bug to them, give them another big hug and run back to us to continue on with whatever we were doing.
On one hand I have major anxiety watching her run off and talk to everyone. On the other hand, I am happy that she is confident enough start branching away and becoming her own person. Her teacher mentioned to us that she is generally a popular kid. That she always has at least 4 or 5 kids around her at recess and that the kids all love her. I can only imagine what will happen in the future. I wish what every parent does of course, I just want her to be happy.
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